Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Stranger; The Outsider

Galvanized and humbled I am to grant generalization on the genre of yours truly.
Genuinely a genteel of sorts but nothing worthy of gaping galore.
Neither ghetto nor GI material but grace sufficient to garner good will with life.
Has yet to grasp the gravity of life however, grimacing from grudges have proven grueling as well as grubby to generate gulfs.
Therefore, I learn to humble my gunpoint from the gall of doing the deed of the greed of wrath.
Ever eager to give out the impression of a gentleman to be guested among the grandeur of God's greatest masterpiece in His gallery or generally known to us as girls, girls, girls.

Truly this glorious, if not glamorous, and quite possibly grand and rather grandiose game was most grammatical.
So let me end simply that it is indeed an honor to meet you and you may call me Garren.

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